Background Screenshots


Takes multiple screenshots at the specified interval for the given duration and the exfils all of them.


This script periodically takes screenshots as defined by the $interval variable for a duration specified by the $duration variable. By default, this script will collect 12 screenshots over period of 60 seconds and then exfiltrate the screenshots over the C2 channel in one single submission.


Parameter Type Description
Duration TimeSpan The amount of time to collect screenshots in dd:hh:mm:ss or hh:mm:ss format.
Interval TimeSpan The interval to collect screenshots throughout the duration of this script in dd:hh:mm:ss or hh:mm:ss format.
DelayToEnd bool If $True, the script will stream all of the screenshots back after the duration timer expires.

Example Output

Filename                             Size
--------                             ----
screenshot-2023-01-09-23-30-57.jpg 103522
screenshot-2023-01-09-23-31-02.jpg  99447
screenshot-2023-01-09-23-31-08.jpg  91635
screenshot-2023-01-09-23-31-13.jpg  91652
screenshot-2023-01-09-23-31-18.jpg  91652
screenshot-2023-01-09-23-31-24.jpg  91658
screenshot-2023-01-09-23-31-29.jpg  91652
screenshot-2023-01-09-23-31-34.jpg  91652
screenshot-2023-01-09-23-31-39.jpg  91652
screenshot-2023-01-09-23-31-44.jpg  91658
screenshot-2023-01-09-23-31-50.jpg  91658
screenshot-2023-01-09-23-31-55.jpg  91652
    "Filename": "screenshot-2023-01-09-23-30-57.jpg",
    "Size": 103522
    "Filename": "screenshot-2023-01-09-23-31-02.jpg",
    "Size": 99447
    "Filename": "screenshot-2023-01-09-23-31-08.jpg",
    "Size": 91635
    "Filename": "screenshot-2023-01-09-23-31-13.jpg",
    "Size": 91652
    "Filename": "screenshot-2023-01-09-23-31-18.jpg",
    "Size": 91652
    "Filename": "screenshot-2023-01-09-23-31-24.jpg",
    "Size": 91658
    "Filename": "screenshot-2023-01-09-23-31-29.jpg",
    "Size": 91652
    "Filename": "screenshot-2023-01-09-23-31-34.jpg",
    "Size": 91652
    "Filename": "screenshot-2023-01-09-23-31-39.jpg",
    "Size": 91652
    "Filename": "screenshot-2023-01-09-23-31-44.jpg",
    "Size": 91658
    "Filename": "screenshot-2023-01-09-23-31-50.jpg",
    "Size": 91658
    "Filename": "screenshot-2023-01-09-23-31-55.jpg",
    "Size": 91652
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