Get Most Recently Modified Microsoft Office Files


Searches for all Microsoft Office files, sorts them by most recent, and then returns a few properties.


Recursively searches for all Microsoft Office files in the C:\Users\ directory, sorts them by most recent, and then returns LastWriteTime, Length, and FullName.


  • None

Operating Systems

  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Mac

Example Output

LastWriteTime         Length FullName
-------------         ------ --------
7/19/2023 11:29:46 PM  93330 C:\Users\helpdesk\Desktop\Workspace\repos\SpecterInsight\documents\diagrams.pptx
7/19/2023 11:29:46 PM  93330 C:\Users\helpdesk\Desktop\Workspace\repos\SpecterInsightSrc\documents\diagrams.pptx
4/16/2014 4:47:33 PM   10577 C:\Users\helpdesk\Dropbox\Virus Total API Keys.xlsx
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