Get Screenshot


Captures a screenshot of the desktop or active window.


This cmdlet leverages GetDesktopWindow or GetForegroundWindow to get a handle to the target window. It the uses the ImageCodecInfo to encode the file as .jpg using the specified compression level. It then exfiltrates the file over the C2 channel where it is stored in the Artifacts collection. You may have to inject into explorer.exe to be able to capture screenshots.


Parameter Type Description
Type string The target window to capture.
CompressionLevel int The compression level on a scal from 1 to 100 where 100 is the least compression.


Type: The target window to capture.

CompressionLevel: The compression level on a scal from 1 to 100 where 100 is the least compression.

Example Output

Filename                             Size
--------                             ----
screenshot-2023-12-09-12-59-41.jpg 191202
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