Lateral Movement Using Service Control Manager and Custom Binary (PSExec)


This script loads a SpecterInsight implant onto the remote system by installing a custom service binary that reflectively loads a Specter.


This script leverages the Service Control Manager API to create and execute a remote service on the operator specified system using username and password. The custom service binary is run under the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account. The $Hostname parameter can be either hostname, FQDN, or IP.


Parameter Type Description
Target string The IP address or hostname of the system to run the cradle.
Username string The local or domain username to authenticate with.
Password string The password for the specified user.
Build string The Specter build identifier.
Directory string The folder where the service directory will be created.
Payload string The type of payload to drop.

Operating Systems

  • Windows


  • common
  • lateral


  • Valid credentials for the target systems.
  • Service Control Manager
  • Firewall permissions to establish RPC connections
  • Server Service
  • Administrative Shares enabled
  • Firewall permissions allowing SMB connections
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