System Persistence with Scheduled Task Commandline and PowerShell Cradle


Installs persistence by creating a scheduled task to run a PowerShell cradle on startup.


Installs persistence by creating a scheduled task to run a PowerShell cradle on startup as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM using schtasks.exe. The cradle is stored in a System environment variable to mitigate detection. The scheduled task is configured to execute the contents of the specified system environment variable. This script requires a high integrity process.


Parameter Type Description
TaskName string The name of the scheduled task.
EnvironmentVariableName string The name of an environment variable that will store the PowerShell cradle.
Build string The Specter build identifier.


  • None

Operating Systems

  • Windows


  • High Integrity process

Example Output

    "Persistence": {
      "Id": "5a6fa3623aa744bd933f6ba168b0ca13",
      "Method": "Scheduled Task",
      "Trigger": "OnStartup",
      "Build": "92cbf1b0f92642859f28f258226cc1f3",
      "Profile": "System",
      "Event": "Create",
      "Success": true,
      "UninstallScript": "$output = (schtasks /DELETE /TN 'CacheTask' /F) -join ([System.Environment]::NewLine);\r\n$success = $output -like 'success';\r\ntry {\r\n\t[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('GPO_AUX', $null, 'Machine');\r\n} catch {\r\n\t$success = $false;\r\n\tthrow;\r\n}\r\n\r\nNew-Object PSObject -Property @{\r\n\tPersistence = New-Object PSObject -Property @{\r\n\t\tId = \"5a6fa3623aa744bd933f6ba168b0ca13\";\r\n\t\tEvent = \"Delete\";\r\n\t\tSuccess = $success;\r\n\t    Method = \"Scheduled Task\";\r\n\t    Profile = \"System\";\r\n\t    Trigger = \"OnStartup\";\r\n\t}\r\n}",
      "TaskName": "CacheTask",
      "EnvironmentVariableName": "GPO_AUX"

Example Uninstall Script

This script generates an uninstall script that removes the persistence mechanism.

$output = (schtasks /DELETE /TN 'CacheTask' /F) -join ([System.Environment]::NewLine);
$success = $output -like 'success';
try {
	[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('GPO_AUX', $null, 'Machine');
} catch {
	$success = $false;

New-Object PSObject -Property @{
	Persistence = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
		Id = "5a6fa3623aa744bd933f6ba168b0ca13";
		Event = "Delete";
		Success = $success;
	    Method = "Scheduled Task";
	    Profile = "System";
	    Trigger = "OnStartup";
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