User Access Control (UAC) Bypass


Runs a PowerShell cradle to load a Specter into a high integrity process from an medium integrity process without triggering a UAC prompt.


Spawns a high integrity process from an medium integrity process without having to use the GUI. There are currently five techniques that are provided out-of-the-box. The table below outlines key information about each technique. There is a minimum and maximum supported Windows version for each technique. By default, the Invoke-UacBypass cmdlet will throw an exception if the current Windows version is not within the ranges below, but this can be overriden with the -Force parameter.

The success of these techniques is dependent upon the OS version being vulnerable and an AV that doesn’t have this behavior signaturized. Windows Defender has done a pretty good job of creating behavioral based signatures quickly after discovery.

Name Detected MinVer MaxVer Description
EventVwr True 6.1.7600 10.0.1503 Modifies registry to start a child process of EventVwr which auto-elevates to a high integrity process.
Sdclt True 10.0.14393 11.0.0 Modifies the registry to start a child process of Sdclt which auto-elevates to a high integrity process.
Slui True 6.3.9600 10.0.1904 Modifies the registry to start a child process of Slui which auto-elevates to a high integrity process.
TokenDuplication True 6.1.7600 10.0.17686 Modifies the registry to start a child process of Sdclt which auto-elevates to a high integrity process.
FodHelper False 10.0.10240 11.0.0 Modifies the registry to start a child process of Sdclt which auto-elevates to a high integrity process.


  • credentials


  • User is Administrator
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