AmsiScanner is a CLI tool written in C# that can be used to interact with the installed AV to scan files and to find which parts of a file have signaturized by the installed AV. There is also an API and Nuget package that can be used in other applications.
- Scan files with the installed AV
- Identify which parts of a text file are being flagged as malicious
- Signature finding by character
- Signature finding by PowerShell Token (PowerShell Scripts only)
- Can scan files with the following formats
- Files encrypted with AmsiScanner (to make them safe/easier to work with)
- Files compressed with GZip
- Plain files
- Multiple interfaces
- CLI Tool
- PowerShell Module
- Nuget Package
Binaries: https://github.com/pracsec/AmsiScanner/releases/download/2.3.5/AmsiScanner.2.3.5.zip
Nuget: NuGet Gallery | AmsiScanner.Common 2.3.5
- .NET 6.0+
- Windows OS for the Anti-Malware Scan Interface (AMSI) API
Using the CLI tool to find the parts of a malicious script that are part of the AV signature. It is able to reduce the 138KB script down to the 28 characters that are part of the Windows Defender signature.

AmsiScanner.exe Usage
Scan a File
Any type of file can be scanned with AmsiScanner; however, the type of text encoding may cause issues with some Antivirus engines. By default, Unicode encoding is used for text like files.
Use the Anti-Malware Scan Interface (AMSI) to determine if the installed AV finds the file malicious.
AmsiScanner scan [<path>] [options]
<path> Path to the file to analyze. The file may be a text file, zip file containing a single text file, or a file encrypted by crypt.exe.
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
Run the following command to scan one of the encrypted sample files:
.\AmsiScanner.exe scan .\samples\00e05857a7e441a0ac139e5d92df642d.bin
You should receive the following output with Windows Defender:
Find an Antivirus Signature in a Text File
Find the 1-minimal smallest string from the original file that still flags as malicious by the AV. This is helpful for guiding your obfuscation and development efforts.
Find the 1-minimal smallest set of characters identified by the installed AV as malicious.
AmsiScanner sigfind char [<path>] [options]
<path> Path to the file to analyze. The file may be a text file, zip file containing a single text file, or a file encrypted by crypt.exe.
-q, --quiet Suppresses verbose output.
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
This tool is packaged with some encrypted malicious files for testing and deno purposes. You can use this tool to perform signature identification on those encrypted samples.
.\AmsiScanner.exe sigfind char .\samples\0f1af4e2b55a4446b16bdf5cb6061dd1.bin
You should receive the following output with Windows Defender:
[*] Iteration: 0 Steps: 2 StepSize: 69432 Length: 138863 Delta: function Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection { <# .SYNOPSIS This script has two modes. It can reflectively load a DLL/EXE in to the PowerShell process, or i...
[*] Iteration: 1 Steps: 2 StepSize: 34716 Length: 69432 Delta: function Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection { <# .SYNOPSIS This script has two modes. It can reflectively load a DLL/EXE in to the PowerShell process, or it...
[*] Iteration: 2 Steps: 4 StepSize: 17358 Length: 69432 Delta: function Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection { <# .SYNOPSIS This script has two modes. It can reflectively load a DLL/EXE in to the PowerShell process, or it...
[*] Iteration: 3 Steps: 3 StepSize: 17358 Length: 52074 Delta: (64) | Out-Null ($TypeBuilder.DefineField('Subsystem', $SubSystemType, 'Public')).SetOffset(68) | Out-Null ($TypeBuilder.DefineField('DllCharacteristics...
[*] Iteration: 4 Steps: 2 StepSize: 8679 Length: 17358 Delta: Hex = "0x{0:X$($ValueSize)}" -f [Int64]$Value #Passing a IntPtr to this doesn't work well. Cast to Int64 first. return $Hex } Function ...
[*] Iteration: 5 Steps: 4 StepSize: 4340 Length: 17358 Delta: Hex = "0x{0:X$($ValueSize)}" -f [Int64]$Value #Passing a IntPtr to this doesn't work well. Cast to Int64 first. return $Hex } Function ...
[*] Iteration: 6 Steps: 3 StepSize: 4340 Length: 13018 Delta: Function Enable-SeDebugPrivilege { Param( [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true)] [System.Object] $Win32Functions, [Parameter(Pos...
[*] Iteration: 7 Steps: 6 StepSize: 2170 Length: 13018 Delta: Function Enable-SeDebugPrivilege { Param( [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true)] [System.Object] $Win32Functions, [Parameter(Pos...
[*] Iteration: 8 Steps: 5 StepSize: 2170 Length: 10848 Delta: teropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($PLuid, [Type]$Win32Types.LUID) $TokenPrivileges.Privileges.Attributes = $Win32Constants.SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED [Sys...
[*] Iteration: 9 Steps: 4 StepSize: 2170 Length: 8680 Delta: teropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($PLuid, [Type]$Win32Types.LUID) $TokenPrivileges.Privileges.Attributes = $Win32Constants.SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED [Syst...
[*] Iteration: 10 Steps: 3 StepSize: 2170 Length: 6510 Delta: teropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($PLuid, [Type]$Win32Types.LUID) $TokenPrivileges.Privileges.Attributes = $Win32Constants.SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED [Sys...
[*] Iteration: 11 Steps: 2 StepSize: 2170 Length: 4340 Delta: teropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($PLuid, [Type]$Win32Types.LUID) $TokenPrivileges.Privileges.Attributes = $Win32Constants.SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED [Sys...
[*] Iteration: 12 Steps: 4 StepSize: 1085 Length: 4340 Delta: teropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($PLuid, [Type]$Win32Types.LUID) $TokenPrivileges.Privileges.Attributes = $Win32Constants.SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED [Sys...
[*] Iteration: 13 Steps: 3 StepSize: 1085 Length: 3255 Delta: teropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($PLuid, [Type]$Win32Types.LUID) $TokenPrivileges.Privileges.Attributes = $Win32Constants.SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED [Sys...
[*] Iteration: 14 Steps: 2 StepSize: 1085 Length: 2170 Delta: [IntPtr] $ArgumentPtr = [IntPtr]::Zero, [Parameter(Position = 4, Mandatory = $true)] [System.Object] $Win32Functions ) [IntPtr]$Remo...
[*] Iteration: 15 Steps: 4 StepSize: 543 Length: 2170 Delta: [IntPtr] $ArgumentPtr = [IntPtr]::Zero, [Parameter(Position = 4, Mandatory = $true)] [System.Object] $Win32Functions ) [IntPtr]$Remot...
[*] Iteration: 16 Steps: 3 StepSize: 543 Length: 1627 Delta: dHandle, 0x1FFFFF, [IntPtr]::Zero, $ProcessHandle, $StartAddress, $ArgumentPtr, $false, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, [IntPtr]::Zero) $LastError = [System.Runtime.Inte...
[*] Iteration: 17 Steps: 2 StepSize: 543 Length: 1086 Delta: dHandle, 0x1FFFFF, [IntPtr]::Zero, $ProcessHandle, $StartAddress, $ArgumentPtr, $false, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, [IntPtr]::Zero) $LastError = [System.Runtime.Inte...
[*] Iteration: 18 Steps: 4 StepSize: 272 Length: 1086 Delta: dHandle, 0x1FFFFF, [IntPtr]::Zero, $ProcessHandle, $StartAddress, $ArgumentPtr, $false, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, [IntPtr]::Zero) $LastError = [System.Runtime.Inte...
[*] Iteration: 19 Steps: 3 StepSize: 272 Length: 816 Delta: dHandle, 0x1FFFFF, [IntPtr]::Zero, $ProcessHandle, $StartAddress, $ArgumentPtr, $false, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, [IntPtr]::Zero) $LastError = [System.Runtime.Inter...
[*] Iteration: 20 Steps: 2 StepSize: 272 Length: 544 Delta: r in NtCreateThreadEx. Return value: $RetVal. LastError: $LastError" } } #XP/Win8 else { #Write-Verbose "Windows XP/8 detected, using CreateR...
[*] Iteration: 21 Steps: 4 StepSize: 136 Length: 544 Delta: r in NtCreateThreadEx. Return value: $RetVal. LastError: $LastError" } } #XP/Win8 else { #Write-Verbose "Windows XP/8 detected, using CreateR...
[*] Iteration: 22 Steps: 3 StepSize: 136 Length: 408 Delta: 8 detected, using CreateRemoteThread. Address of thread: $StartAddress" $RemoteThreadHandle = $Win32Functions.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ProcessHandle, [IntP...
[*] Iteration: 23 Steps: 2 StepSize: 136 Length: 272 Delta: 8 detected, using CreateRemoteThread. Address of thread: $StartAddress" $RemoteThreadHandle = $Win32Functions.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ProcessHandle, [IntP...
[*] Iteration: 24 Steps: 4 StepSize: 68 Length: 272 Delta: 8 detected, using CreateRemoteThread. Address of thread: $StartAddress" $RemoteThreadHandle = $Win32Functions.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ProcessHandle, [IntPt...
[*] Iteration: 25 Steps: 8 StepSize: 34 Length: 272 Delta: 8 detected, using CreateRemoteThread. Address of thread: $StartAddress" $RemoteThreadHandle = $Win32Functions.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ProcessHandle, [IntPt...
[*] Iteration: 26 Steps: 7 StepSize: 34 Length: 238 Delta: ad. Address of thread: $StartAddress" $RemoteThreadHandle = $Win32Functions.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ProcessHandle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF,...
[*] Iteration: 27 Steps: 6 StepSize: 34 Length: 204 Delta: ss" $RemoteThreadHandle = $Win32Functions.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ProcessHandle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $StartAddress, $ArgumentPtr, 0, [...
[*] Iteration: 28 Steps: 5 StepSize: 34 Length: 170 Delta: 32Functions.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ProcessHandle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $StartAddress, $ArgumentPtr, 0, [IntPtr]::Zero) } if ($Re...
[*] Iteration: 29 Steps: 4 StepSize: 34 Length: 136 Delta: 32Functions.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ProcessHandle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $StartAddress, $ArgumentPtr, 0, [IntPtr]:
[*] Iteration: 30 Steps: 8 StepSize: 17 Length: 136 Delta: 32Functions.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ProcessHandle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $StartAddress, $ArgumentPtr, 0, [IntPtr]:
[*] Iteration: 31 Steps: 16 StepSize: 9 Length: 136 Delta: 32Functions.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ProcessHandle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $StartAddress, $ArgumentPtr, 0, [IntPtr]:
[*] Iteration: 32 Steps: 15 StepSize: 9 Length: 127 Delta: 32Functions.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ProcessHandle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $StartAddress, $ArgumentPtr, 0,:
[*] Iteration: 33 Steps: 14 StepSize: 9 Length: 126 Delta: 32Functions.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ProcessHandle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $StartAddress, $ArgumentPtr, 0,
[*] Iteration: 34 Steps: 13 StepSize: 9 Length: 117 Delta: ns.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ProcessHandle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $StartAddress, $ArgumentPtr, 0,
[*] Iteration: 35 Steps: 26 StepSize: 5 Length: 117 Delta: ns.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ProcessHandle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $StartAddress, $ArgumentPtr, 0,
[*] Iteration: 36 Steps: 25 StepSize: 5 Length: 112 Delta: ns.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ssHandle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $StartAddress, $ArgumentPtr, 0,
[*] Iteration: 37 Steps: 24 StepSize: 5 Length: 107 Delta: ns.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($dle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $StartAddress, $ArgumentPtr, 0,
[*] Iteration: 38 Steps: 48 StepSize: 3 Length: 107 Delta: ns.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($dle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $StartAddress, $ArgumentPtr, 0,
[*] Iteration: 39 Steps: 47 StepSize: 3 Length: 104 Delta: ns.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $StartAddress, $ArgumentPtr, 0,
[*] Iteration: 40 Steps: 94 StepSize: 2 Length: 104 Delta: ns.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $StartAddress, $ArgumentPtr, 0,
[*] Iteration: 41 Steps: 93 StepSize: 2 Length: 102 Delta: .CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $StartAddress, $ArgumentPtr, 0,
[*] Iteration: 42 Steps: 102 StepSize: 1 Length: 102 Delta: .CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $StartAddress, $ArgumentPtr, 0,
[*] Iteration: 43 Steps: 101 StepSize: 1 Length: 101 Delta: .CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($,[IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $StartAddress, $ArgumentPtr, 0,
[*] Iteration: 44 Steps: 100 StepSize: 1 Length: 100 Delta: .CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($,[IntPtr]::Zero,[UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $StartAddress, $ArgumentPtr, 0,
[*] Iteration: 45 Steps: 99 StepSize: 1 Length: 99 Delta: .CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($,[IntPtr]::Zero,[UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF,$StartAddress, $ArgumentPtr, 0,
[*] Iteration: 46 Steps: 98 StepSize: 1 Length: 98 Delta: .CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($,[IntPtr]::Zero,[UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF,$StartAddress,$ArgumentPtr, 0,
[*] Iteration: 47 Steps: 97 StepSize: 1 Length: 97 Delta: .CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($,[IntPtr]::Zero,[UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF,$StartAddress,$ArgumentPtr,0,
[*] Iteration: 48 Steps: 96 StepSize: 1 Length: 96 Delta: .CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($,[IntPtr]::Zero,[UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF,$StartAddress,$ArgumentPtr,0
[*] Signature finding complete.
[*] Time: 5 seconds 10 milliseconds
[*] AmsiCalls: 532
[*] Characters: 96
[*] Reduced String:
The program was able to reduce a 138K character script to just the 96 characters that are being flagged as malicious by the installed AV in approximately 5 seconds. Note that if any character was removed from this string, it would no longer flag as malicious. The last line of the output is the signaturized string
Find an Antivirus Signature in a PowerShell Script
Find the 1-minimal smallest set of PowerShell tokens from the original script that still flags as malicious by the AV. This method operates on tokens instead of characters of text. This can be moe efficient than with the character method because larger chunks of the script can be trimmed or removed all at once, but you lose some precision as it cannot operate on substrings of a token.
Find the 1-minimal smallest set of PowerShell tokens identified by the installed AV as malicious.
AmsiScanner sigfind token [<path>] [options]
<path> Path to the file to analyze. The file may be a text file, zip file containing a single text file, or a file encrypted by crypt.exe.
-q, --quiet Suppresses verbose output.
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
.\AmsiScanner.exe sigfind token .\samples\0f1af4e2b55a4446b16bdf5cb6061dd1.bin
You should receive the following output with Windows Defender.
[*] Iteration: 0 Steps: 2 StepSize: 12776 Length: 25552 Delta: function Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection { <# .SYNOPSIS This script has two modes. It can reflectively load a DLL/EXE in to the PowerShell process, or it...
[*] Iteration: 1 Steps: 2 StepSize: 6388 Length: 12776 Delta: function Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection { <# .SYNOPSIS This script has two modes. It can reflectively load a DLL/EXE in to the PowerShell process, or it ...
[*] Iteration: 2 Steps: 4 StepSize: 3194 Length: 12776 Delta: function Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection { <# .SYNOPSIS This script has two modes. It can reflectively load a DLL/EXE in to the PowerShell process, or it ...
[*] Iteration: 3 Steps: 2 StepSize: 1597 Length: 3194 Delta: VirtualAlloc -Value $VirtualAlloc $VirtualAllocExAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll VirtualAllocEx $VirtualAllocExDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntP...
[*] Iteration: 4 Steps: 2 StepSize: 799 Length: 1597 Delta: VirtualAlloc -Value $VirtualAlloc $VirtualAllocExAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll VirtualAllocEx $VirtualAllocExDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPt...
[*] Iteration: 5 Steps: 2 StepSize: 400 Length: 799 Delta: VirtualAlloc -Value $VirtualAlloc $VirtualAllocExAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll VirtualAllocEx $VirtualAllocExDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr...
[*] Iteration: 6 Steps: 4 StepSize: 200 Length: 799 Delta: VirtualAlloc -Value $VirtualAlloc $VirtualAllocExAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll VirtualAllocEx $VirtualAllocExDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr...
[*] Iteration: 7 Steps: 3 StepSize: 200 Length: 599 Delta: Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name memset -Value $memset $LoadLibraryAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll LoadLibraryA $LoadLibraryDelegate = Get-...
[*] Iteration: 8 Steps: 2 StepSize: 100 Length: 199 Delta: $Win32Functions | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect $GetModuleHandleAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll GetModuleHandleA ...
[*] Iteration: 9 Steps: 4 StepSize: 50 Length: 199 Delta: $Win32Functions | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect $GetModuleHandleAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll GetModuleHandleA ...
[*] Iteration: 10 Steps: 3 StepSize: 50 Length: 150 Delta: $Win32Functions | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect $GetModuleHandleAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll GetModuleHandleA ...
[*] Iteration: 11 Steps: 2 StepSize: 50 Length: 100 Delta: $Win32Functions | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect $GetModuleHandleAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll GetModuleHandleA ...
[*] Iteration: 12 Steps: 2 StepSize: 25 Length: 50 Delta: $Win32Functions | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect $GetModuleHandleAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll GetModuleHandleA ...
[*] Iteration: 13 Steps: 2 StepSize: 13 Length: 25 Delta: $Win32Functions | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect $GetModuleHandleAddr = Get-ProcAddress
[*] Iteration: 14 Steps: 4 StepSize: 7 Length: 25 Delta: $Win32Functions | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect $GetModuleHandleAddr = Get-ProcAddress
[*] Iteration: 15 Steps: 3 StepSize: 7 Length: 21 Delta: $Win32Functions | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect $GetModuleHandleAddr
[*] Iteration: 16 Steps: 6 StepSize: 4 Length: 21 Delta: $Win32Functions | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect $GetModuleHandleAddr
[*] Iteration: 17 Steps: 5 StepSize: 4 Length: 17 Delta: Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect $GetModuleHandleAddr
[*] Iteration: 18 Steps: 4 StepSize: 4 Length: 16 Delta: Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect $GetModuleHandleAddr
[*] Iteration: 19 Steps: 3 StepSize: 4 Length: 12 Delta: Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect
[*] Iteration: 20 Steps: 6 StepSize: 2 Length: 12 Delta: Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect
[*] Iteration: 21 Steps: 12 StepSize: 1 Length: 12 Delta: Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect
[*] Iteration: 22 Steps: 11 StepSize: 1 Length: 11 Delta: Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value$VirtualProtect
[*] Iteration: 23 Steps: 10 StepSize: 1 Length: 10 Delta: Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect-Value$VirtualProtect
[*] Iteration: 24 Steps: 9 StepSize: 1 Length: 9 Delta: Add-Member NoteProperty -NameVirtualProtect-Value$VirtualProtect
[*] Iteration: 25 Steps: 8 StepSize: 1 Length: 8 Delta: Add-Member NoteProperty-NameVirtualProtect-Value$VirtualProtect
[*] Iteration: 26 Steps: 7 StepSize: 1 Length: 7 Delta: Add-MemberNoteProperty-NameVirtualProtect-Value$VirtualProtect
[*] Iteration: 27 Steps: 6 StepSize: 1 Length: 6 Delta: Add-MemberNoteProperty-NameVirtualProtect-Value$VirtualProtect
[*] Signature finding complete.
[*] Time: 1 second 895 milliseconds
[*] AmsiCalls: 80
[*] Tokens: 6
[*] Characters: 62
[*] Reduced String:
[*] Reduced Tokens:
Index: 0 Type: Command Start: 41129 Content: Add-Member
Index: 1 Type: CommandArgument Start: 41140 Content: NoteProperty
Index: 2 Type: CommandParameter Start: 41153 Content: -Name
Index: 3 Type: CommandArgument Start: 41159 Content: VirtualProtect
Index: 4 Type: CommandParameter Start: 41174 Content: -Value
Index: 5 Type: Variable Start: 41181 Content: $VirtualProtect
The program was able to reduce a 25K token script to just the 6 tokens that are being flagged as malicious by the installed AV in approximately 5 seconds. Note that if any token was removed from this string, it would no longer flag as malicious.
It is also worth noting that the string found with this method is different than that found by the character minimization method indicating that there are likely multiple AV signatures for this one script.
PowerShell Cmdlet Usage
Importing the Module
Before you can call the cmdlets provided by this project, you first need to import the module with the following command:
Import-Module AmsiScanner.Common.dll
Scan a File
Any type of file can be scanned with AmsiScanner; however, the type of text encoding may cause issues with some Antivirus engines. By default, Unicode encoding is used for text like files.
Invoke-AmsiScan [-File] <FileInfo> [<CommonParameters>]
Invoke-AmsiScan [-Text] <string> [<CommonParameters>]
Invoke-AmsiScan [-Bytes] <byte[]> [<CommonParameters>]
Example – Scan a File
Invoke-AmisScan .\samples\00e05857a7e441a0ac139e5d92df642d.bin
You should receive the following output with Windows Defender.
Example – Scan a String
$text = [AmsiScanner.Common.Utility]::ReadAllText("C:\Users\helpdesk\Desktop\Workspace\repos\amsiscanner\src\release\samples\00e05857a7e441a0ac139e5d92df642d.bin")
Invoke-AmsiScan $text
You should receive the following output with Windows Defender.
Find an Antivirus Signature in a Text File
Find the 1-minimal smallest string from the original file that still flags as malicious by the AV.
Invoke-Sigfind [-File] <FileInfo> [-Type {Char | Token}] [-MinimumDeltaLength <int>] [<CommonParameters>]
Invoke-Sigfind [-Text] <string> [-Type {Char | Token}] [-MinimumDeltaLength <int>] [<CommonParameters>]
Invoke-Sigfind .\samples\0f1af4e2b55a4446b16bdf5cb6061dd1.bin -Verbose
You should receive the following output with Windows Defender.
VERBOSE: Iteration: 0 Steps: 2 StepSize: 69432 Length: 138863 Delta: function Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection { <# .SYNOPSIS This script ...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 1 Steps: 2 StepSize: 34716 Length: 69432 Delta: function Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection { <# .SYNOPSIS This script h...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 2 Steps: 4 StepSize: 17358 Length: 69432 Delta: function Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection { <# .SYNOPSIS This script h...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 3 Steps: 3 StepSize: 17358 Length: 52074 Delta: (64) | Out-Null ($TypeBuilder.DefineField('Subsystem', $SubSystemType...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 4 Steps: 2 StepSize: 8679 Length: 17358 Delta: Hex = "0x{0:X$($ValueSize)}" -f [Int64]$Value #Passing a IntPtr to this d...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 5 Steps: 4 StepSize: 4340 Length: 17358 Delta: Hex = "0x{0:X$($ValueSize)}" -f [Int64]$Value #Passing a IntPtr to this d...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 6 Steps: 3 StepSize: 4340 Length: 13018 Delta: Function Enable-SeDebugPrivilege { Param( [Parameter(Position...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 7 Steps: 6 StepSize: 2170 Length: 13018 Delta: Function Enable-SeDebugPrivilege { Param( [Parameter(Position...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 8 Steps: 5 StepSize: 2170 Length: 10848 Delta: teropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($PLuid, [Type]$Win32Types.LUID) ...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 9 Steps: 4 StepSize: 2170 Length: 8680 Delta: teropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($PLuid, [Type]$Win32Types.LUID) ...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 10 Steps: 3 StepSize: 2170 Length: 6510 Delta: teropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($PLuid, [Type]$Win32Types.LUID) ...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 11 Steps: 2 StepSize: 2170 Length: 4340 Delta: teropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($PLuid, [Type]$Win32Types.LUID) ...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 12 Steps: 4 StepSize: 1085 Length: 4340 Delta: teropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($PLuid, [Type]$Win32Types.LUID) ...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 13 Steps: 3 StepSize: 1085 Length: 3255 Delta: teropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($PLuid, [Type]$Win32Types.LUID) ...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 14 Steps: 2 StepSize: 1085 Length: 2170 Delta: [IntPtr] $ArgumentPtr = [IntPtr]::Zero, [Parameter(Position = ...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 15 Steps: 4 StepSize: 543 Length: 2170 Delta: [IntPtr] $ArgumentPtr = [IntPtr]::Zero, [Parameter(Position = 4...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 16 Steps: 3 StepSize: 543 Length: 1627 Delta: dHandle, 0x1FFFFF, [IntPtr]::Zero, $ProcessHandle, $StartAddress, $Argumen...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 17 Steps: 2 StepSize: 543 Length: 1086 Delta: dHandle, 0x1FFFFF, [IntPtr]::Zero, $ProcessHandle, $StartAddress, $Argumen...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 18 Steps: 4 StepSize: 272 Length: 1086 Delta: dHandle, 0x1FFFFF, [IntPtr]::Zero, $ProcessHandle, $StartAddress, $Argumen...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 19 Steps: 3 StepSize: 272 Length: 816 Delta: dHandle, 0x1FFFFF, [IntPtr]::Zero, $ProcessHandle, $StartAddress, $Argument...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 20 Steps: 2 StepSize: 272 Length: 544 Delta: r in NtCreateThreadEx. Return value: $RetVal. LastError: $LastError" } ...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 21 Steps: 4 StepSize: 136 Length: 544 Delta: r in NtCreateThreadEx. Return value: $RetVal. LastError: $LastError" } ...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 22 Steps: 3 StepSize: 136 Length: 408 Delta: 8 detected, using CreateRemoteThread. Address of thread: $StartAddress" ...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 23 Steps: 2 StepSize: 136 Length: 272 Delta: 8 detected, using CreateRemoteThread. Address of thread: $StartAddress" ...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 24 Steps: 4 StepSize: 68 Length: 272 Delta: 8 detected, using CreateRemoteThread. Address of thread: $StartAddress" ...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 25 Steps: 8 StepSize: 34 Length: 272 Delta: 8 detected, using CreateRemoteThread. Address of thread: $StartAddress" ...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 26 Steps: 7 StepSize: 34 Length: 238 Delta: ad. Address of thread: $StartAddress" $RemoteThreadHandle = $Win32Functi...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 27 Steps: 6 StepSize: 34 Length: 204 Delta: ss" $RemoteThreadHandle = $Win32Functions.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($Pro...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 28 Steps: 5 StepSize: 34 Length: 170 Delta: 32Functions.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ProcessHandle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntP...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 29 Steps: 4 StepSize: 34 Length: 136 Delta: 32Functions.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ProcessHandle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntP...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 30 Steps: 8 StepSize: 17 Length: 136 Delta: 32Functions.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ProcessHandle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntP...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 31 Steps: 16 StepSize: 9 Length: 136 Delta: 32Functions.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ProcessHandle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntP...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 32 Steps: 15 StepSize: 9 Length: 127 Delta: 32Functions.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ProcessHandle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntP...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 33 Steps: 14 StepSize: 9 Length: 126 Delta: 32Functions.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ProcessHandle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntP...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 34 Steps: 13 StepSize: 9 Length: 117 Delta: ns.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ProcessHandle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt6...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 35 Steps: 26 StepSize: 5 Length: 117 Delta: ns.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ProcessHandle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt6...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 36 Steps: 25 StepSize: 5 Length: 112 Delta: ns.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($ssHandle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xF...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 37 Steps: 24 StepSize: 5 Length: 107 Delta: ns.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($dle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, ...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 38 Steps: 48 StepSize: 3 Length: 107 Delta: ns.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($dle, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, ...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 39 Steps: 47 StepSize: 3 Length: 104 Delta: ns.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $St...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 40 Steps: 94 StepSize: 2 Length: 104 Delta: ns.CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $St...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 41 Steps: 93 StepSize: 2 Length: 102 Delta: .CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $Star...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 42 Steps: 102 StepSize: 1 Length: 102 Delta: .CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($, [IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $Sta...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 43 Steps: 101 StepSize: 1 Length: 101 Delta: .CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($,[IntPtr]::Zero, [UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $Star...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 44 Steps: 100 StepSize: 1 Length: 100 Delta: .CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($,[IntPtr]::Zero,[UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF, $Start...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 45 Steps: 99 StepSize: 1 Length: 99 Delta: .CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($,[IntPtr]::Zero,[UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF,$StartAdd...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 46 Steps: 98 StepSize: 1 Length: 98 Delta: .CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($,[IntPtr]::Zero,[UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF,$StartAdd...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 47 Steps: 97 StepSize: 1 Length: 97 Delta: .CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($,[IntPtr]::Zero,[UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF,$StartAdd...
VERBOSE: Iteration: 48 Steps: 96 StepSize: 1 Length: 96 Delta: .CreateRemoteThread.Invoke($,[IntPtr]::Zero,[UIntPtr][UInt64]0xFFFF,$StartAdd...
VERBOSE: Signature finding complete.
VERBOSE: Time: 4 seconds 770 milliseconds
VERBOSE: AmsiCalls: 532
VERBOSE: Characters: 96
VERBOSE: Reduced String:
Find an Antivirus Signature in a PowerShell Script
Find the 1-minimal smallest set of PowerShell tokens from the original script that still flags as malicious by the AV.
Invoke-Sigfind [-File] <FileInfo> [-Type {Char | Token}] [-MinimumDeltaLength <int>] [<CommonParameters>]
Invoke-Sigfind [-Text] <string> [-Type {Char | Token}] [-MinimumDeltaLength <int>] [<CommonParameters>]
Invoke-Sigfind .\samples\0f1af4e2b55a4446b16bdf5cb6061dd1.bin -Type Token -Verbose
You should receive the following output with Windows Defender.
[*] Iteration: 0 Steps: 2 StepSize: 12776 Length: 25552 Delta: function Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection { <# .SYNOPSIS This script has two modes. It can reflectively load a DLL/EXE in to the PowerShell process, or it...
[*] Iteration: 1 Steps: 2 StepSize: 6388 Length: 12776 Delta: function Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection { <# .SYNOPSIS This script has two modes. It can reflectively load a DLL/EXE in to the PowerShell process, or it ...
[*] Iteration: 2 Steps: 4 StepSize: 3194 Length: 12776 Delta: function Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection { <# .SYNOPSIS This script has two modes. It can reflectively load a DLL/EXE in to the PowerShell process, or it ...
[*] Iteration: 3 Steps: 2 StepSize: 1597 Length: 3194 Delta: VirtualAlloc -Value $VirtualAlloc $VirtualAllocExAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll VirtualAllocEx $VirtualAllocExDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntP...
[*] Iteration: 4 Steps: 2 StepSize: 799 Length: 1597 Delta: VirtualAlloc -Value $VirtualAlloc $VirtualAllocExAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll VirtualAllocEx $VirtualAllocExDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPt...
[*] Iteration: 5 Steps: 2 StepSize: 400 Length: 799 Delta: VirtualAlloc -Value $VirtualAlloc $VirtualAllocExAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll VirtualAllocEx $VirtualAllocExDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr...
[*] Iteration: 6 Steps: 4 StepSize: 200 Length: 799 Delta: VirtualAlloc -Value $VirtualAlloc $VirtualAllocExAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll VirtualAllocEx $VirtualAllocExDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr...
[*] Iteration: 7 Steps: 3 StepSize: 200 Length: 599 Delta: Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name memset -Value $memset $LoadLibraryAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll LoadLibraryA $LoadLibraryDelegate = Get-...
[*] Iteration: 8 Steps: 2 StepSize: 100 Length: 199 Delta: $Win32Functions | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect $GetModuleHandleAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll GetModuleHandleA ...
[*] Iteration: 9 Steps: 4 StepSize: 50 Length: 199 Delta: $Win32Functions | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect $GetModuleHandleAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll GetModuleHandleA ...
[*] Iteration: 10 Steps: 3 StepSize: 50 Length: 150 Delta: $Win32Functions | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect $GetModuleHandleAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll GetModuleHandleA ...
[*] Iteration: 11 Steps: 2 StepSize: 50 Length: 100 Delta: $Win32Functions | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect $GetModuleHandleAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll GetModuleHandleA ...
[*] Iteration: 12 Steps: 2 StepSize: 25 Length: 50 Delta: $Win32Functions | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect $GetModuleHandleAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll GetModuleHandleA ...
[*] Iteration: 13 Steps: 2 StepSize: 13 Length: 25 Delta: $Win32Functions | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect $GetModuleHandleAddr = Get-ProcAddress
[*] Iteration: 14 Steps: 4 StepSize: 7 Length: 25 Delta: $Win32Functions | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect $GetModuleHandleAddr = Get-ProcAddress
[*] Iteration: 15 Steps: 3 StepSize: 7 Length: 21 Delta: $Win32Functions | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect $GetModuleHandleAddr
[*] Iteration: 16 Steps: 6 StepSize: 4 Length: 21 Delta: $Win32Functions | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect $GetModuleHandleAddr
[*] Iteration: 17 Steps: 5 StepSize: 4 Length: 17 Delta: Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect $GetModuleHandleAddr
[*] Iteration: 18 Steps: 4 StepSize: 4 Length: 16 Delta: Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect $GetModuleHandleAddr
[*] Iteration: 19 Steps: 3 StepSize: 4 Length: 12 Delta: Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect
[*] Iteration: 20 Steps: 6 StepSize: 2 Length: 12 Delta: Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect
[*] Iteration: 21 Steps: 12 StepSize: 1 Length: 12 Delta: Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value $VirtualProtect
[*] Iteration: 22 Steps: 11 StepSize: 1 Length: 11 Delta: Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect -Value$VirtualProtect
[*] Iteration: 23 Steps: 10 StepSize: 1 Length: 10 Delta: Add-Member NoteProperty -Name VirtualProtect-Value$VirtualProtect
[*] Iteration: 24 Steps: 9 StepSize: 1 Length: 9 Delta: Add-Member NoteProperty -NameVirtualProtect-Value$VirtualProtect
[*] Iteration: 25 Steps: 8 StepSize: 1 Length: 8 Delta: Add-Member NoteProperty-NameVirtualProtect-Value$VirtualProtect
[*] Iteration: 26 Steps: 7 StepSize: 1 Length: 7 Delta: Add-MemberNoteProperty-NameVirtualProtect-Value$VirtualProtect
[*] Iteration: 27 Steps: 6 StepSize: 1 Length: 6 Delta: Add-MemberNoteProperty-NameVirtualProtect-Value$VirtualProtect
[*] Signature finding complete.
[*] Time: 1 second 895 milliseconds
[*] AmsiCalls: 80
[*] Tokens: 6
[*] Characters: 62
[*] Reduced String:
ReducedString ReducedTokens
------------- -------------
Add-MemberNoteProperty-NameVirtualProtect-Value$VirtualProtect {AmsiScanner.Common.Token, AmsiScanner.Common.Token, AmsiScanner.Common.Token, Ams...
This cmdlet returns an object with the reduced string and tokens. The tokens array is nice because it gives you the exact location in the original string where each token was located, making it easier to find. In order to isualize the data, I recommend assigning the output of Invoke-Sigfind to a variable and then printing the results like in the example below:
$result = Invoke-Sigfind .\samples\0f1af4e2b55a4446b16bdf5cb6061dd1.bin -Type Token -Verbose
$result.ReducedTokens | Select Start,TokenType,Contents | ft -a
You should get the following output with Windows Defender:
Start TokenType Contents
----- --------- --------
41129 Command Add-Member
41140 CommandArgument NoteProperty
41153 CommandParameter -Name
41159 CommandArgument VirtualProtect
41174 CommandParameter -Value
41181 Variable VirtualProtect
AmsiScanner.Common Usage
Scan a File
Any type of file can be scanned with AmsiScanner; however, the type of text encoding may cause issues with some Antivirus engines. By default, Unicode encoding is used for text like files.
using AmsiScanner.Common;
namespace FileScanner {
internal class Program {
/// <summary>
/// Example command: .\FileScanner.exe ".\test-file.bin"
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args"></param>
public static void Main(string[] args) {
//This method will read from files encrypted with this library, single files in a zip file, or plain files
byte[] contents = Utility.ReadAllBytes(args[0]);
//Initialize an AmsiSession to the installed AV
AmsiResult result = default;
using (AmsiSession session = new AmsiSession()) {
//If file contains text, scan it using Unicode
//I've noted that malicious PowerShell scripts won't match Windows Defender signatures
//we don't use this ScanString method. If we just scan the raw bytes, then if the file was
//encoded with anything other than Unicode, then signatures will not match.
string text;
if (Utility.TryGetText(contents, out text)) {
//Scan text in Unicode format
result = session.ScanString(text);
} else {
//Scan the raw bytes
result = session.ScanData(contents);
//Print the results