Specter Insight
SpecterInsight is a cross-platform, post-exploitation command and control framework based on .NET for red team engagements, threat emulation, and training.
Fast | Powerful | Easy to Use
“SpecterInsight streamlines our operations and makes challenging or tedious procedures repeatable and reliable.”
Components and Features
C2 Server
The cross platform command and control server is written in .NET provides a multi-threaded web API for managing specters (implants), storing data in the database, performing data augmentation, and weaponizing payloads.
- Multiplayer C2 server
- Windows 10+ | Linux
- Multiple listeners/protocols
- Unique C2 profiles per implant build
- Upload/store/create SSL/TLS certificates
- LetsEncrypt support
- Manages exfiltrated files
- Updates product and SpecterScripts on demand
- Obfuscation pipelines for generating detection resistant payloads
The core implant is a .NET 2.0+ compatible binary containing a PowerShell 2.0+ compatible interpreter. Multiple droppers are provided to safely load the implant on target with a variety of defense evasion techniques.
- Windows Vista+ | Linux
- .NET 2.0+ | PowerShell 2.0+
- Beaconing implant
- Commands output objects
- Objects serialized over C2 channel
- Enables easy data analysis
- Asynchronous background commands
- Simultaneous execution of commands
- Upload/Download files
- Tunnel over C2 connection
- AMSI bypass
- PowerShell logging suppression
- Multiple process injection techniques
- Multiple persistence techniques
- Highly modular
- Upload any .NET binary in memory
SpecterInsight ships with a fully featured cross platform GUI built on AvaloniaUI and SignalR for real-time command and control. The UI provides a modern, clean interface for tasking implants and reviewing output in plain text, json, or tabular format.
- Windows 10+ | Linux
- Username/password authentication
- Generate implants
- Configure listeners
- Manage certificates
- LetsEncrypt support
- Countdown to next callback per session
- View command history/output
- Supports text, json, and tabular formats
- Realtime updates
- Build SpecterScripts in PowerShell
- Easily lookup scripts and documentation to insert into command window
- View exfiltrated files
The core implant serializes output from commands to JSON and automatically performs data augmentation before shipping the data off to an ELK stack configured with pre-built dashboards for analysis.
- Performs data augmentation
- Adds GeoIP to command output
- Collects events and command output
- Ships to Elastic
- Creates pre-built Kibana dashboards
- Creates network graphs from host or network command output
- Records all captured creds
- Records all persistence laydowns
- Tracks all lateral movement events
- Provides uninstall script for each persistence technique
- Maps events and commands to MITRE ATT&CK matrix
Key Features

You can filter through scripts by category or contents to find the right technique quickly. The screenshot above demonstrates a filter for all PowerShell persistence techniques. Notice that all persistence install scripts output an uninstall command. Additionally, the installation is recorded in ELK for visualization so you never forget or lose your persistence during an engagement.
SpecterInsight ships with pre-built tactics, techniques, and procedures, for lateral movement, C2, discovery, reconnaissance, defense evasion, persistence, and exfiltration.
# Built-in Scripts
Elasticsearch Integration
Output from specter implants is returned in a JSON format with fields and values. The output is augmented and shipped off to Elasticsearch. SpecterInsight ships with pre-built dashboards for operations, reconnaissance, and reporting.
# Pre-Built Dashboards
# Pre-Built Visualizations

This dashboard shows details about all of the persistence mechanisms dropped during the engagement. There are summary visualizations at the top that show the OS, method, and profile summary statistics. Then a data table lists every system persistence was established along with the type, trigger, and an uninstall script for easy removal.

Never lose track of your persistence mechanisms. SpecterInsight records all of the details related to each unique persistence technique. In this case, it recorded the username and password created for persistence. Additionally, SpecterInsight generates an uninstall script that will remove the persistence and clean up any artifacts.

The interactive session window gives operators a rich interface for orchestrating a single specter session. The “Session Info” pane shows key host details and a check-in countdown. The “SpecterScripts” pane allows operators to lookup TTPs to execute and loads them into the “Command Editor” which sends commands to the specter. The “Command History” pane allows operators to browse all current and previous command output in text or JSON format. Additionally, command errors with detailed error messages and the original command itself can be viewed here.
Clean User Interface
SpecterInsight delivers the richest, cleanest, and most intuitive interface for managing your implants. Command and Control has never been this easy.
- Command output JSON view
- Command output plaintext
- Command history
- Detailed error information
- Countdown until the next check-in
- TTP lookup and documentation viewer
- No escape sequences, just plain PowerShell
Defense Evasion
SpecterInsight integrates a variety of defense evasion techniques out-of-the-box to give you a secure shell for conducting operations.
- AMSI bypasses
- Logging bypasses
- Fully integrated PowerShell Obfuscation
- Dozens of PowerShell Cradles
- Fully integrated C# Obfuscator
- Process injection
- Payload Generation HTTP Endpoints
- Native AOT Compilation of obfuscated C#
- Incorporate your own payloads into Payload Pipelines

Write scripts to that define obfuscated .NET and PowerShell payloads. Activating these pipelines runs the script which generates a new obfuscated payload. The script in the upper editor of the screenshot above is the Payload Pipeline Script. The “Text Output” panel at the bottom is the obfuscated PowerShell script generated by clicking the “Test” button. The output will be unique by randomly selecting different defense evasion techniques, payload templates, and randomized obfuscation techniques.
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1 user
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3 active implant sessions
5 custom SpecterScripts
Normally $500
with discount code SPECTER2024
Full product
1 user
Commercial use
Unlimited sessions
Unlimited custom SpecterScripts
Normally $450
with discount code SPECTER2024
Full product
5 users
Commercial use
Unlimited sessions
Unlimited custom SpecterScripts
Normally $400
with discount code SPECTER2024
Full product
10 users
Commercial use
Unlimited sessions
Unlimited custom SpecterScripts
Contact us here for special licensing requests.